全民入U 抗疫學費優惠

Tuition Fee Discount

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Offer Programmes (Undergraduate & Postgraduate Degree) 

銜接a課程優惠 :

BA (Hons) Business and Management


(Reg. No. 252466)

BSc (Hons) International Tourism and Hospitality Management


(Reg. No. 252190)

Information is accurate at the time of publication and is subject to change. Hong Kong residents can apply for the Extended Non-Means-Tested Loan Scheme to seek financial assistance from the Student Finance Office – Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency. All programmes in this publication are registered under the Cap. 493 Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which this course may lead.


  • Complete in 9-33 Months
  • 最快9-33個月內畢業
  • ITHM Ranked UK Top 10*
  • 國際旅遊及款待管理全英排名第10*
  • 100% Assessment by Coursework
  • 100%功課評核
  • RQF, EQF Level 4-7
  • 英國﹑歐盟國家資歷架構認證
  • Research Excellence Framework 2021 (REF)
  • 研究卓越架構 (REF 2021)
  • QS Stars 2022 (5-star) Teaching & Employability
  • QS Stars 2022 (教學及就業能力) 五星評級

*The rankings were based on University League Table 2020 by The Guardian UK 根據英國衛報大學2020年排名榜

In light of the impact of COVID-19 on the hospitality and business industries, the University of Sunderland in Hong Kong is pleased to offer a one-off tuition fee discount in the coming 2021 January intake, as part of our corporate social responsibility and to support our students’ career advancement. 


Entry Requirements 

入學要求 :

  • 持高級文憑 / 副學士學位 (相關科目) 或同等學歷^
  • Higher Diploma / Associate Degree (related subjects)
    or equivalent qualifications^

^Must meet English language requirements. 入學要求並需符合英語水平要求

Blended Learning 


In the coming 2021 January intake, the promoted BA (Hons) Business and Management and ITHM programmes will be conducted in a blended learning mode – a mix of online teaching via Canvas VLE system and face-to-face tutorials. For details, please stay tuned to our news or contact us.

於2021年1月入學期,推廣的國際旅遊及款待管理 (榮譽) 學士和商業及管理 (榮譽) 學士將以網上授課及面授個別指導的混合式學習模式進行。詳情請留意本校消息或聯絡我們。

Lets get in touch!

We know a personal touch makes all the difference. Give us a ring during office hours and we'll help you however we can.

我們明白在您計劃未來前,會有不同的考慮和想法。不如打電話/ WhatsApp 聯絡我們,親自為您解說!

Monday - Friday 
9:30am - 6:30pm 

Interested? Drop Us A Note Now!

yesI understand the "Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy"; and agree to have University of Sunderland in Hong Kong contact me using the above personal information provided in order to give me further programme details and assist in application and enrolment. 本人明白新特蘭大學香港分校之《個人私隱條例及細則》,並同意校方使用我提供的個人資料,以提供更多課程資訊及協助申請入學。

Terms and Conditions 條款及細則:
•This limited offer is valid until 15th January 2021, 12:00noon. (The time is subject to the time received by the server of The University of Sunderland in Hong Kong Limited)
•The limited offer is on a first-come-first-served basis.
•This limited offer is available to students who enrol in the BA (Hons) Business and Management or BSc (Hons) International Tourism and Hospitality Management programmes in the January 2021 intake only. After successful payment of the 1st instalment of the tuition fee (HK$18,500) on or before 15th January 2021, 12:00 noon, the student will be eligible for the HK$20,000 tuition fee aid (applied to the succeeding instalment payments).
•此抗疫學費優惠只適用於成功錄取2021年1月入學期BA (Hons) Business and Management和 BSc (Hons) International Tourism and Hospitality Management課程的學生,同時必須於2021年1月15日中午12:00或之前繳付第一期學費 (HK$18,500),該學生有資格獲得HK$20,000的抗疫學費限量優惠。
•This limited offer is only available to the students who enrol at the University of Sunderland in Hong Kong directly, and not through a recruitment agent as other discounts and scholarship packages are in place with students who join the University through these partnership routes.
•Scholarship, referral scheme programs and other terms and conditions will not be applicable at the same time for students enrolled under the "Special Pandemic Tuition Limited Offer", please contact us for more details.
•If you would like to participate in this limited offer, you will be deemed to agree to abide by the above terms and conditions. In case of any dispute, The University of Sunderland in Hong Kong reserves the right to review, modify, revoke, or add to relevant limited offer regulations as necessary.

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