Hong Kong Graduation 2019 香港畢業概況2019

Hong Kong Graduation 2019


Guests on stage for University of Sunderland in Hong Kong's graduation ceremony 2019

Today, the University of Sunderland, an innovative and modern UK University, is delighted to announce the grand total number of 534 graduates from various disciplines in Hong Kong in 2019. This includes MSc Data Science, MBA, and business-related degrees at the University of Sunderland in Hong Kong (the HK campus); Graphic Design and Engineering related degrees at Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT); and MSc Clinical Pharmacy at HKU SPACE. 今天,創新而現代化的英國大學 ─ 新特蘭大學,公佈其2019年度的香港畢業生人數達534人,畢業生來自不同學系,當中包括新特蘭大學香港分校(下稱香港分校)的數據科學碩士、工商管理碩士及各商業相關學位;港專職業訓練學院(下稱HKCT)的平面設計及各工程相關學位;以及香港大學附屬學院(HKU SPACE)的臨床藥劑學碩士。

Vice-Chancellor Sir David Bell in University of Sunderland in Hong Kong's graduation ceremony 2019

This year, the Hong Kong graduation ceremony is hosted by Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive, Sir David Bell KCB, at Kowloon Bay International Trade and Exhibition Centre. 今年的香港畢業典禮由大學校長 Sir David Bell KCB 主持,於九龍灣國際展貿中心舉行。

In 2019, the HK campus has once again achieved another record-breaking year of 77% graduates, achieving a 2.2 (Second Class) degree or higher. In addition, the MBA class also saw significant growth as their graduate numbers doubled from 2018. Adding to the year’s successes, the first cohort of MSc Data Science students graduated, in which 75% were awarded with distinction. 於2019年,新特蘭大學香港分校再破紀錄,有77%畢業生能考獲2等2級或以上的榮譽學士,而工商管理碩士畢業人數更是2018年的兩倍。與此同時,今年亦有首屆數據科學碩士的香港學生畢業,當中75%獲卓越評分。

Students at University of Sunderland in Hong Kong's graduation ceremony 2019

Campus Director of the HK campus, Mr. Francis Chiang commented on today’s graduation results, ‘The growth that the HK campus has achieved this academic year has been nothing short of incredible, and is a testament to the hard work of both the students and all of the staff involved in helping to mould the futures of our bright, young individuals.’  就今年的畢業生表現,香港分校總監蔣上偉先生表示:「對於香港分校畢業生能達到今年的增長並不驚訝,這實屬學生及全體職員努力的成果,讓年青一代能建立更光輝的未來。」

Included in the ceremony is the recognition of stellar performance throughout the academic year and the University is proud to announce the Special Awards of 2019. 大學亦公佈2019年的各項特別獎,以表揚得獎者於本學年的傑出表現,有關獎項亦於今年畢業禮頒發。

Special Awards of 2019

  • Academic Excellence
    CHU Kwok Key, BEng (Hons) Electronic and Electrical Engineering, HKCT
    LAM Cheuk Lun Rago, Master of Business Administration, University of Sunderland in Hong Kong
    WONG Justin Chung Yun, BA (Hons) in Accounting and Financial Management, University of Sunderland in Hong Kong
  • Outstanding Student
    CHUNG Ka Wing, BA (Hons) Graphic Design, HKCT
    KWONG Ka Yat, BA (Hons) in Business and Management, University of Sunderland in Hong Kong
  • Best Teacher
    Ir CHUNG Kam Hung, HKCT
    Dr LEUNG Sai Yiu Francis, University of Sunderland in Hong Kong
  • Alumni Achiever of the Year, 2019
    Stella LEUNG, MBA 2018, University of Sunderland in Hong Kong
    Rose Hopewell FONG, PGCE 2015, MA International Education, 2019, University of Sunderland

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