The Benefits of Studying Abroad Embarking on a journey to study abroad is more than just an academic pursuit; it is a transformative experience that shapes individuals in profound ways. Beyond the classroom, studying overseas offers a multitude of advantages of studying abroad that extend far ...
New Pro Vice-Chancellor appointed at the University of Sunderland Dr Helen Driscoll has been appointed as Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning & Teaching). This comes after she was appointed Interim Pro Vice-Chancellor in March 2024 after many years of service to the University. Dr Driscoll said:...
新特蘭大學香港分校|彈性教學模式 助學生平衡學業與生活 新特蘭大學香港分校提供在港修讀英國學制學士課程,而且每學期只需修讀兩個學科課程,讓學生達至學業與生活平衡。商業及管理(榮譽)學士畢業生高沛賢(Pete)先後於香港和加拿大就讀中學和大學,最後卻選擇回流,就讀新特蘭大學香港分校。他坦言因為學校的...
Confirmation and Clearing 2024: All you need to know The University of Sunderland is preparing for one of its busiest weeks of the year as hundreds of students take their first step on the road to career success. Clearing opened on July 5 but our Confirmation and Clearing call centre for stude...
平面設計師進修港專英國新特蘭大學學士課程 奪國際設計比賽獎項 香港設計業一直匯聚著各種高質素、充滿活力的設計人才,最近香港平面設計師陳永亮(Adonis)就於國際設計比賽D&AD New Blood Awards並以作品Coca-Cola Expression獲得獎項,成功為港爭光!Adonis表示獲獎全因為當初選擇進修,選讀香港專業進修學校...
Beijing Le Linglong Education Partnership | Chinese MBA University of Sunderland is a public university in the United Kingdom and was listed as one of the Top 50 universities by “The Guardian University Guide” in 2024. The University of Sunderland is working exclusively with Beijing Le Linglon...
Booming positivity: National Student Survey reveals praise for University of Sunderland A diverse range of courses at the University of Sunderland have received 100% positivity scores from delighted students. Results from this year’s National Student Survey (NSS) today show the University is d...
A year to remember for Sunderland Business School Sunderland Business School is celebrating after being nominated in four categories in the 2024 Educate North Awards, including being named a finalist for Business School of the Year. Now in their 10th year, the Educate North Awards recognise an...
三年在港完成英國學位|香港X英國:一個學位 跨國學習體驗 香港01線上教育及職業博覽講座 講者 : 業務發展經理 Business Development Manager 郭曉琳 留港升學與海外留學並非二選一。在港設立分校的英國學府 — 新特蘭大學(University of Sunderland in Hong Kong)提供3年全日制(榮譽)學士學位,讓學生在港修讀第...
英國新特蘭大學香港分校 在香港提供英國大學學位課程 新特蘭大學是英國政府資助大學,並於2024年躋身《衛報大學指南》英國大學前50名。其中,國際旅遊及款待管理(榮譽)學士和商業及市場管理(榮譽)學士課程在英國學系排名分別為第12位及18位。 新特蘭大學是首間在香港設立分校的英國大學,2017年在港開設直屬分校...
The University of Sunderland delivers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.