Opening of the School of Medicine 新特蘭大學醫學院正式開幕

Opening of the School of Medicine


University of Sunderland's medical school students

The University of Sunderland’s home-city campus welcomed its first medical students as the doors opened on its new School of Medicine this autumn. The School saw 51 students arrive in September as they started their journey to become a qualified doctor. 今年秋季,英國新特蘭大學主校區的醫學院正式開幕。一共有51名學生於9月份抵達新校園,踏上成為執業醫生的璀璨旅途。

University of Sunderland's medical school facilitiesWith state-of-the-art facilities already in place and dedicated partnerships with the UK’s NHS trusts, the opening allows the University to now offer 360° healthcare via its graduating students. 醫學院特別配備的尖端先進教學及醫學設施、加上與英國公營醫療機構國民保健署(National Health Service, NHS)通力合作的關係,令將來成功畢業的醫科生有能力為病人提供360度全方位醫療保健服務。

The University will now offer a full cycle of health programmes from paramedic training and nursing to pharmacy and, now, medicine. In total, 2019/20 will see more than 2,000 health professionals of the future going through the University’s doors. 大學為學生提供的醫學系課程包羅萬有,包括緊急醫療救護訓練、護理學、藥劑學及醫學等等,估計將於2019/20年度吸納超過2,000名醫療界的明日之星。

As well as providing the opportunity to study medicine to students with the required talent and capability, the school will be well-placed to address the region’s chronic shortage of doctors. 除了悉心培育醫學人才之外,大學的位置佔盡地利,相信有助解決新特蘭市及鄰近地區醫生長期短缺的問題。

Medical student Francesca Cockell, 18, of Gateshead, England, became one of the first 51 students embarking on the life-changing journey to qualifying as a doctor. Francesca said ‘I received a few offers from different universities but I’d been to an open day at Sunderland and I was so impressed; they made me feel like a person, not just a number.’ 來自蓋茨黑德鎮、現年18歲的Francesca Cockell是第一屆共51名醫科生之中的一員。她表示:「有幾間大學都肯給予取錄。我決定入讀新特蘭大學的原因是,我在開放日前來參觀時,實在印象難忘,他們令我感到被重視,而不只是個申請者編號。」

‘I like the fact that this is a university willing to accommodate medical students from all backgrounds, that the door wouldn’t be shut on you just because you come from a working class environment.’  「這所大學對於來自不同家庭背景的學生均一視同仁,並不會因為你生於勞動階層就不予取錄。」

Sir David Bell, Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive of the University, said: ‘It’s an exciting time for the women and men involved as they embark on the demanding journey to become a doctor.’ 新特蘭大學校長及執行長David Bell爵士表示:「我們熱切歡迎這一群歷盡艱辛、努力,即將成為專業醫生的學生們。」

‘Offering a medical degree is further demonstration of the crucially important work done at, and by, the University of Sunderland. We now have a full suite of health-related disciplines which, this year, will be educating more than 2,000 future professionals. All of them will have a positive and powerful effect on the health of the city and the wider region.’ 「今年,我們將提供多元化的醫學學系課程,認真培育超過2,000名未來專業醫護人員,讓他們學習重要的醫療知識,為新特蘭市及鄰近地區吸納所需的人力資源,為本地居民帶來正面幫助。」

In March last year the Government announced that Sunderland was one of five places across the UK granted permission to open a new medical school. 去年3月,新特蘭大學獲英國政府批准,成為全英國5間其中一所可開辦新醫學院的大學。

The decision fitted perfectly with the University’s ongoing commitment to improving patient care through its teaching and research across subjects including pharmacy, nursing, paramedic practice, biomedical science and now medicine. 大學希望透過藥劑學、護理學、緊急醫療救護訓練、生物醫學及醫學等方面的教學及研究造福人群,這個消息對於新特蘭大學簡直是天大喜訊。

Laura Giles, 19, from Sunderland, England, said ‘No one in my family has had a career in medicine, or health care for that matter; I’m the first. I’m so excited to get started I never thought that one day I would be going to medical school. This is a dream come true.’ 來自新特蘭市、現年19歲的Laura Giles表示:「我是整個家族裡第一個投身醫學或醫療保健事業的人。此刻的興奮實非筆墨可形容。我從來沒有想過會有機會入讀醫科,真有夢境成真的感覺。」

Professor Scott Wilkes, Head of School of Medicine and Professor of General Practice and Primary Care at Sunderland, said: ‘We are delighted to welcome our first medical students and we look forward to guiding and supporting them through the many exciting
years of learning they have ahead.’ 新特蘭大學醫學院院長兼家庭醫學及基礎醫療系教授Scott Wilkes表示:「我們在此衷心歡迎本校第一屆的醫科生,非常期待在未來數年間一直引領及支持他們度過醫科生涯。」

Pro VIce-Chancellor Prof John McIntyre meeting with University of Sunderland's medical school students‘Part of the reason why we were named as one of the five new medical schools is our commitment to inclusivity when attracting medical students and training them to become doctors.’ 「我相信其中一個被獲批開辦醫學院的原因是,我們在醫科收生方面秉持學生背景多樣性的宗旨。」

‘We have achieved our target by using our breadth of expertise in attracting students from all backgrounds.’  「我們運用這方面的專長,成功吸納了多位來自不同家庭背景的學生。」

‘We initially set ourselves the aim of attracting 15% of students from a widening participation background. We have actually achieved the figure of 25%.’ 「招生初期,醫學院的目標是吸納15%背景迥異的學生,而數字最終竟達到25%。」

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