Closing the Cultural Gap 縮窄文化差異 拉近彼此距離

Closing the Cultural Gap

縮窄文化差異 拉近彼此距離

University of Sunderland student talking about cultural inclusion

This year, we introduced the ‘Outstanding Student Award’ and the first recipient was Adnan Hassan, a Pakistani student born and raised in Hong Kong. Hassan shared his experience of university study, his campus life as an International student in Hong Kong, and a little bit about himself! Here are some excerpts:
本校首屆傑出學生獎得主為香港土生土長的巴基斯坦裔學生黃哈山(Adnan Hassan)。Hassan分享他以國際學生身分在香港的學習經歷, 以及一些關於他的故事!以下是訪問摘錄:

Q: How long have you studied in Hong Kong and what were your main difficulties in Secondary School?

Hassan: I’ve been studying in Hong Kong for 20 years, starting from kindergarten all the way to University. Before entering the University of Sunderland in Hong Kong, I took up the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE), which was quite challenging, especially when it came to receiving the results. After all, my results would reflect on my admission to my preferred University for my future career. Fortunately, all has passed and now, I’m a contented and proud graduate of the University of Sunderland in Hong Kong.
Hassan:我在香港學習了20年,從幼稚園直到大學。在進入新特蘭大學之前, 我參加了香港中學文憑試(HKDSE), 這是頗有挑戰性的考試,特別是在收取成績單時。畢竟,我的成績反映出我能否入讀心儀大學,並會影響我未來的事業。很幸運,一切都經已過去了!現在,我以作為新特蘭大學香港分校的畢業生感到滿足及自豪。

Q: What is your first priority to choosing a university?

Hassan: My first priority of choosing a university was based on my own preferences – whether the materials are going to be in English or not and whether this University is diverse. It would definitely encourage me more to join a University with a multicultural touch along with a variety of subjects to choose from.
Hassan:我在選擇大學時會先考慮個人喜好- 教材會否以英語為主,以及大學是否包容多元文化。一所可接觸多樣文化和學科選擇多樣化的大學絕對會吸引我入讀。

I chose the University of Sunderland in Hong Kong because it is multinational. In fact, this University provides everyone the opportunity to study in the UK and HK while holding the title of an international student as well as following the UK syllabus accordingly.

Q: Was it hard to make new friends?

Hassan: It wasn’t at all hard to make new friends because everyone was really friendly. Plus, communication wasn’t a barrier, for I’m able to speak to my peers in both Chinese and English. I’ve met a lot of people in the HK campus ranging from different countries such as the UK, the Philippines, Nepal, India, Pakistan, China and Nigeria. We simply got along by eating, shopping, doing schoolwork together, watching movie also go to the gym together which were infused with our common interests.
Hassan:不困難呢! 每個人都很友善。而且,我能用中、英文與同學交流,減少了溝通障礙。在香港分校遇到很多來自不同國家的人,如英國、菲律賓、尼泊爾、印度、巴基斯坦、中國和尼日利亞。大家有共同的興趣,很快就融入了。我們一起吃飯、逛街、做功課和看電影,也會一同去健身。

Social Inclusion is an important value of University of Sunderland

Q: How did the Sunderland’s HK campus help you prepare for your future in terms of career and future planning?

Hassan: The University of Sunderland HK helped me prepare for my future by providing exchange trips to certain countries such as Taiwan and Chengdu China in order to increase the scope of my career and obtain international exposure. On top of that, they provided me with an internship in certain companies, allowing me to gain experience in the field I like. They also provided us with workshops on how to write a good resume and how to behave properly during a job interview.

University of Sunderland visiting primary schools in China

Q: What is your plan and dream?

Hassan: Someday, I hope to own a business in the retail and F&B (Food and Beverages) industry, as I want to transfer different products, particularly from my hometown, to different parts of the world. I want to bring every nation closer via the cultural difference as well as being able to bring the atmosphere of my hometown to every part of the world in the form of our signature dishes and other products that represent me and my home.
Hassan: 假以時日,我希望在零售業及飲食業上擁有自己的事業!因為我想將不同的產品,特別是我家鄉的產品推廣至世界各地,拉近各國文化差異和距離,並且能夠以我們的招牌菜餚和代表家鄉的其他產品帶到世界每一個角落,讓各地添上我國的異國風情。

There you have it! A man with a plan – off to achieve his goals and inspire people around him wherever he goes. Good luck!

Editor 編採:Loria Ferrais
Interviewee 受訪者:Adnan Hassan 黃哈山

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