A Day in the Life: Emeli Sandé, Chancellor of the University of Sunderland 生命中的一天: 新特蘭大學校監 Emeli Sandé

A Day in the Life: Emeli Sandé, Chancellor of the University of Sunderland

生命中的一天: 新特蘭大學校監 Emeli Sandé

University of Sunderland's chancellor Emeli Sande visiting the campus

Chancellor of the University of Sunderland Emeli Sandé took a break from touring the world as an international music star to spend time with students.
作為要經常於世界巡迴演出的國際音樂巨星,新特蘭大學校監Emeli Sandé抽空到訪,與學生們共渡一段快樂時光。

The singer-songwriter spent a day getting a tour of the Sunderland campuses, meeting staff, students and learning about all different areas of University life.

Emeli arrives at the Sunderland city campus where she is met by Vice-Chancellor and Chief
Executive of the University, Sir David Bell, and Chair of the Board of Governors, John Mowbray.
Emeli 到達新特蘭城市校園,與大學校長兼首席執行官David Bell爵士及董事會主席John Mowbray 會面。

Relaxed, happy, and back on familiar territory, Emeli sits herself down for a series of interviews about her role as Chancellor, following her installation last summer.
輕鬆、快樂,重臨熟悉的地方,Emeli 坐下來接受一系列的訪問,講述她自去年夏天獲得任命後,成為大學校監的職責。


Students from Spark, the University’s official radio station arrive to interview the singer as she expresses her delight at being back in Sunderland to discover more about University life.
大學官方廣播電台Spark 的學生到達,採訪這位歌手校監,她表示很高興能重回新特蘭,並了解更多新特蘭的大學生活。


Emeli heads down to the Students’ Union where she gets the chance to meet staff and hear about the work going on to support the University’s 20,000 students from all five faculties. She meets members of the Elite Athlete Squad and is also presented with a UoS hoodie.
Emeli 前往學生會,並能接見該處工作的職員,認識他們支援大學內的五大學系、20,000 名學生的工作近況。之後,她亦會見了精英運動員隊的成員,並獲贈一件新特蘭大學衞衣。


The party moves over to the Sciences Complex where Emeli is asked to officially open the University’s new School of Medicine. The School opened to students last September and aims to address the shortage of doctors currently working in the North East.
聚會移師至科學館, 並由Emeli 為大學的新醫學院正式揭幕。 該院校於去年9 月向學生開放, 以應付目前在英國東北地區醫生短缺的問題。

The Chancellor gets a tour of the new School where she gets the chance to meet Professor of Anatomy, Debs Patten, as well as some of the new medical students. She also tries out some of the cutting edge equipment, including the pioneering Anatomage Table.
校監參觀了新校舍,並在那裡與解剖學教授Debs Patten及部分醫科新生會面。 她還試用一些先進設備,包括最新的虛擬解剖桌。


After a quick break for lunch, Emeli and her guests move to Helen McArdle House. The building was named after philanthropist Helen who recently donated £2.5million to the University to benefit teaching and research in nursing and care. There the singer was shown state of the art training equipment including a fully-fitted ambulance and mock hospital ward which helps train the University’s paramedics.
在午飯的短暫休息後,Emeli 和她的賓客到了Helen McArdle House。 由於大學最近獲慈善家Helen 捐贈了250萬英鎊,以支助大學於護理方面的教學和研究,故該建築以其名字命名。在那裡展示了最先進的訓練設備,包括一輛設備齊全的救護車和模擬醫院病房,有助大學培訓醫護人員︒


Next stop was the University-owned National Glass Centre where many students enrolled on Glass and Ceramics programmes, as well as others from the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries, are based. Emeli was given a tour of the venue by Dr Cate Watkinson where she got the chance to look at the various exhibitions currently on display, as well as the working Hot Glass Studio.
下一站是大學擁有的國家玻璃中心,許多收讀了玻璃和陶瓷課程的學生,以及藝術與創意產業學院的其他學生都在此紮根。Cate Watkinson博士為校監Emeli 導覽,參觀目前展出的各種展覽,以及熱玻璃工作室。


The day ended with Sir David Bell presenting the Chancellor with gifts including unique pieces of glass from NGC – as well as a special teddy bear for Emeli’s young nephew.
一天結束了,David Bell爵士向校監送上禮物,當中包括來自國家玻璃中心的特製玻璃杯, 以及為Emeli 的年幼侄子準備的特別版泰迪熊。




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